Never a dull moment in the UAE....well perhaps not, but many a day feels like 'ground-hog-day", so i guess if you're first day wasn't dull, neither will be the next.
FS called to say there had been a 60 minutes report abut living in the UAE, particularly Dubai. I have not seen the report obviously, but can assure you, that unless you love sitting in traffic 2-3 hours a day and also want a frantic pace to you're life, Dubai is not so fantastic, but the UAE as a whole is a great place to come a visit and although i have only been here a couple of months, i think it would be a great place to live for a couple of years too.
I have said it before and will say it again. Given the option, i would live and work in Al Ain any day over Dubai. The money is the same, the cost of living is half and there is a real community atmosphere. It is kind of like the Plateau at home, only on a massive scale, without the beaches, double the temperature, people drive at 140km, no retirement village, it is flat as a tack, and unfortunately there are bugger all chicks walking around in bikinis or the 'special ones' from Southy beach. So really, it is nothing like home, is it?
Quick shout out to some good friends with new additions to their tribes. Sean and Gemma and Shane and Karen...well done to all.
My departure from the UAE, has been postponed by a week due to an excessive workload and list of priorities that arrived this week. I started a new role here for the third time. the rest of the term felt like a holiday compared to this one and i am very tired from all of the hours up to date. So I was gutted with the delay!! I went from a 4 day count down to an 11 day count down! Any way it is down to 8 now, and i can't wait. Things are looking positive to sign up for a longer term gig, but the number one rule i have learnt here...action speaks louder than words, and until i have a signed contract, and etickets in my hand and the deposit paid on the villa, it isn't a done deal. things can take 6 months to organise and agree upon here, and then just as they are...there is another change.
Went t the soccer (football) last week. Al Ain were playing ??? in the President's Cup at the the Al Ain Sports Stadium. Walked ion the gates (entry is free), past the huge water cannon trucks and armed police and security, (it looks like someone travelled to Europe and said"i want one of those and one of those and a that". Why they would need these i don't know, although the Arabs are very passionate about their Footy. Anyway, because i am a blue eyes, i was ushered to the VIP section (the important Sheiks and Arabs go to the VVIP section). We sat in a beautiful stadium, saw the pre-game fireworks, were served free drinks all night including tea (no alchol obviously), and then at half time i followed the crowd inside the stadium area for a free hot dinner and drinks and desert. Brooky Oval would have been mayhem at the thought of a free pie, let alone a smorgasbord of cakes, springrolls and other assorted goodies, but these guys were all calm and civil and there was plenty to go around. Anyway, Al Ain won on a penalty shot.
Nothing else too new to talk about, although it is getting hotter here now. My Arabic is much better, but it still takes plenty of hand gesturing and the like to get through to some of my team. I feel comfortable enough to break out into some impromptu singing every now and then (as anyone from work would testify, this can be often and sounds great!!) (the bouncers and other patrons from the local R'ry may disagree though).
Maah as salaama Habibis
What??? No retirement village??? Has that anything to do with the Arabic quote you finished with?? Looked like it said "curse on all .law"!!!!
Greetings from your!!
which one is you at the site meeting in the desert?
who are the 'special ones' from southy? do i need to look into this?
the boys will look forward to the soccer. where there many women at the soccer?
60 minutes show has many people wanting to move there, maybe lots will come to visit. lets hope they do.
forever lonely FS
Make sure you get a house with a grand parent retreat!
We don't need a camel just one of those yellow utes you showed us in the previous blog.
M & D
Hi nick, sorry to hear that the date was put back by a week. Good luck with finding out details for the next couple of years. JD and HD started sharing a room tonight and they are thrilled with FS bro's bunks. Cafe is closed for lunch mon- thurs so MD gets his days off now. He has already put this time to good use by making a room out of the garage. He's thinking of opening up a business called "let me transform your garage into a brand new room!!!!" So if you need a new job, I hear that you have some experience with this sort of thing!!! Only a few more sleeps. See you when you get back Ciao Bello from AD (sis in law)
hi Nick
b2 and jd are having fun playing at jd's house after karate. We thought we'd check if there was any updates. b2 was great at showing jd how to use this blog. b1 won his cricket by 4 wickets. see you next week
from b2 and jd & ad
well the day has come and i went to the airport to pick you up and you weren't on the plane. when were you going to tell me about the date changing. oh well one more week to watch what i want on the television, have the whole bed to myself, no taps on the shoulder and definitely no farting. see you next week, same place and time, just a different week!!!
What is it with you Saunders's - any excuse to break into song!! Do they have sing star in Arabic, please dont get it for FS she will boast she is bi-lingual in "song"
Witnesed B4 taking 19 steps today!! He kept his end of the bargain..... he'd wait to walk when you returned, pity the day changed, he'd rehearsed so well too!! See you next Friday...sorry can't meet you...will be at bowls!! (priorities??? I hear you say)
Just a quick note to let you know that we havent forgotton you and are still reading your blogg.
Sounds like you are pretty settled in and making the most of your experience.
Hope the family is well mate and look forward to catching up on your return.
Looks like the real reason for the trip is out when someone took that last photo of you carrying a tray of hair tonic, the cure for baldness seems to be working a treat. I will say however you are in the sun way to much. FS won't be too happy you haven't been putting on the sun screen.
As Nell said we too have been keeping up with your blogs and enjoy the reading. Looking forward to having a beer when you get back.
hey natural, i hear you're back in oz. thanks for the call !!!! Hope everything is going well. Cheers, Chest
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